
Foster The Relationship With Clients Through Connection Building For Relation-Based Selling

The sales perspectives and sales strategies have taken a major turn in today’s fast-paced world – not limited to traditional methods.

As customers are wising up, they want more insight about the product or services than a mere traditional sales pitch offered to every customer with the same sounds and messages. However, with changes in customer and merchant interaction over the digital landscape, SaaS businesses can develop a few strategies that are more personalized and welcoming.

These SaaS sales strategies give wider space to the customers to explore more about the product, brand, and services, and eventually, build a connection with them.

There are a few reasons to build strong connections with potential customers and put your business forward as doing so can bring a higher return on investment (ROI).

In this article, we are going to look at relationship-based selling which entails the promotion of customer connection, social media, and interactive events for CEOs and other professionals.

Connect the Dots to Build Customer Connections with Revenue Operations

It would not be wrong to use the metaphor that the world is evolving around building connections- especially in the technologically advancing world.

The final goal of the business and sales team is to have to increase revenue and convert sales every day. To increase the revenue and customer base of the product, it is high time that business starts to connect with their potential customer base using different platforms, partnerships, and events around networking and interactions (which we will discuss in upcoming sections.)

Recently, one of the grand marketing events of the year Inbound22 has happened. The two most crucial factors in this regard were particularly highlighted:

  • Be Known for Something
  • Give Something instead of asking for something

When it comes to connection building and promoting relation-based selling, the above-mentioned two points are crucial. The goal of the growth team is to ‘be known for something.’ If we strategize marketing and sales with new perspectives on selling and promoting the product we can:

  • Highlight distinctive features as the brand promotion to build connections
  • Leverage data and promote benefits to the segmented customer base or even at the ‘Lead stage’
  • Show long-term benefits to potential clients and customers with personalized outreach
  • Reach out to every space wherever they exist and remove the resistance of proximity with digital propinquity
  • Show commitments towards their interests and build trust

Maximize Personalized Outreach

Personalized outreach goes beyond outbound and inbound growth strategies as it incorporates both marketing strategies. For personalized outreach, it is better to first segment the customer database and then personalize the messages accordingly.

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In personalized outreach, individual preferences of the customers are analyzed and used to reach out to the customers or target audience. The user journey and buyer persona play an important role. For personalized outreach you can build your relationships with your customers through the following mediums:

  • Send a newsletter to your customers for regular interaction
  • Personalized emails and content that urges them to bring conversions to you (with the help of segmented data)
  • Increase Social media interaction by posting useful and enticing content for the customers
  • Reach out to them through partnerships and cross-platform collaborations and become part of their ecosystem

Make Your Marketing & Sales Activities Feel Like A Breeze And Not A Hassle

Intelligent marketing is when you push your customers without pushing your customers and imposing on them.

Making your marketing a breeze simply means keeping your outreach and marketing strategies simple, non-intrusive, and empathetic.

The consumers or customers do not want a flashy or fancy interaction but rather a simple one that simply lays out the details, pros, and cons, solutions and that’s it!

At the inbound22 event by HubSpot, the CEO of HubSpot shared important notions for customer connection and marketing.

Hence, to build smooth marketing, make your plan creative that delivers value to other your customers and business. The content must be the ‘food for thought’ to customers but remember to make it a breeze.

Interactive Marketing – Events to Build Connections and Sell Your Brand

Event marketing is the best example of organic interactive marketing that can kick off growth goals. Event marketing can become the backbone of marketing strategies as it can drive a huge chunk of the audience towards you. We all know that through marketing events we want to entertain and engage the potential customers aka attendees of the event.

Event marketing provides a wide horizon for both merchants and potential customers to know each other and interact as well.

The main advantage of event marketing is Brand Awareness. Carrying out brand awareness through your marketing can ring in higher revenue. HubSpot research shows that 64% of event marketers attend events and host events for the primary reason of brand awareness. Collaboration and brainstorming help them not only build an audience for their businesses but increasing networking and partnerships to reduce the marketing burn.

Relationship-based Selling

After you have executed your market plan and fostered relations with your customers it is high time to focus on relationship-based selling. The relationship-based selling can only get wings if the customer connection and customer relation with the business have been optimized well and built.

Using the above-mentioned strategies, companies and merchants can increase their relationship-based selling and increase revenue from potential customers.

Convert your customers into loyal customers and see your business scaling with connection building.

Connect with SubscriptionFlow

Now you have learned about connection building and fostering personalized outreach – implement the strategies using SubscriptionFlow.

With SubscriptionFlow and its third-party integrations, you can use marketing automation tools and SubscriptionFlow’s custom fields, segmented databases, and much more to achieve your business goals.

Schedule a demo with SubscriptionFlow without giving it any second thought!

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