
Simple and Small Tools to Manage Your Subscription Marketing

The graph of the growth of the subscription business shows consistency in growth across the sectors. Whether they are SaaS businesses or industries that produce physical goods, all knit together when they opt subscription business model.

But how do customers turn to be subscribers? subscription-based businesses need to convince their customers that subscriptions are better than any other billing method. And, marketing is one of the ways to convince customers.

Subscription marketing is different from conventional marketing because here the targets are:

  • Reach out to the consumers who will stay on board for a long time.
  • Find subscribers not just customers.
  • Focus on the recurring need of the customer.
  • Update marketing strategies in a way that customer lifetime value increases.
  • Reduce customer churn rate.

The targets are different for the subscription-based businesses so do the marketing channels and strategies. In a subscription business, customer satisfaction and customer retention are the KPIs that show the progress of your business matters most. Subscription marketing in one way or another plays its role in improving these KPIs and achieve the targets mentioned above.

Along with the best subscription management software, there are various tools that different companies are using for better subscription marketing. Team of Experts at SubscriptionFlow is here to enlist a few small tools that can provide wings to your subscription marketing and boost the performance of your subscription business.

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Website Builder

A well-designed and fully functional website is the key to marketing. Website is the portal where a visitor would find everything about your business. Just imagine, if a website opens slowly, the content is not optimized, and buttons & tabs do not function properly, then what would be the impression for the customer?

According to researches, a visitor does not spend more than 45 seconds on a website. If the website opens slowly then traffic will bounce even before it overviews the website.

So, the solution to build a perfect website is the website builder application that can also contribute to better subscription marketing.

SubscriptionFlow offers its customer a user-friendly and simpler website building tool that can build your landing pages to market subscriptions for your product or services. The tool is designed to quickly develop a landing page to market the subscription business and its offerings.

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From creating the specialized Navigation Bars to add different types of buttons and multi-device responsiveness and optimization to playing with the design and images, it offers you all. You can have your site in minutes. Simply select a theme and optimize it as you want it. Add features, meta, links, tabs, and bars to collect leads directly into your SubscriptionFlow system and manage pipelines thoroughly, without any resistance.

Google Analytics

How to rank at #1 page and #1 position on Google? That’s the question around which all digital marketing teams develop their marketing policies and strategies. However, tracking the marketing-related analytics can help a lot in improving the rank of any search engine.

SEO analytics is the process of monitoring various factors that are responsible for your subscription business website ranking on the search engine. Google Analytics is one such tool that can be used to set the SEO goals, track the keywords, and read the content drill-down report. There are many other functionalities of Google Analytics that SEO experts can use to improve the website ranking for subscription marketing purposes. Add your site created via SubscriptionFlow website builder to Google Analytics and increase the visibility to your traffic and their needs.


The importance of email marketing in the subscription business is undeniable. It is the best way to communicate with people who might be interested in what you sell. Now, just imagine that you send emails for marketing to 100 email ids randomly. You will probably get a response from one or two email addresses.

But how about emailing only those who are interested in your product? You can get their email ids directly from them simply by adding an email subscription bar to your site. Prepare your email list with the laser-focused listings that can be matured as the Marketing Quality Leads or MQL.

Here the tools like MailChimp play their role. They help you automatically maintain an email list of those contacts who are interested in your product. They can turn to be potential leads. You would not need to waste your time to email and contact those addresses that would not need your product at all.

The MailChimp platform not only helps customers in managing the email lists but also in growing these lists. You can nurture your leads as well.

The amazing thing is that SubscriptionFlow can provide you with a cloud-based subscription management platform integrated with MailChimp. You will get robust software to manage subscriptions and a chance to manage your leads through MailChimp.

Also Read: Significance of Automated Communications in the Growth of Subscription Business


Content has become the backbone of inbound digital marketing. As it has been mentioned that tools like MailChimp help you market your offers, deals, and discounts effectively by providing you with well-designed email and pop-up templates. However, subscription-based businesses also need to optimize the content. The content that you write for the purpose of marketing ought to be free of mistakes.

Google crawlers are the programs that analyse the content of a website from top to the bottom. They pick up the keywords and based on the use of these keywords, they help in ranking the keywords. To use the keywords at the right place and in a way that the content looks well-written is an art.

And, tools like Grammarly helps you write highly-optimised content with minimum grammar mistakes. The tool has freemium and premium versions. Anyone can use the freemium version and get rid of basic grammar mistakes. Those who subscribe to the premium version of Grammarly will get to know even the advanced grammar mistakes. Grammarly is the tool that your marketing team must have to develop the right brand perception.

In Conclusion

It is said that competition in the subscription business market is continuously increasing. If that is so, subscription marketing is a ray of hope to stand out among competitors. You just need an easy to use subscription management software that can be integrated with small yet effective marketing tools, and an efficient subscription marketing team that can help you use these tools.

Also Read: The Shifting SaaS Industry Dynamics Are Changing the Landscape of Marketing—Keep It Up with HubSpot and SubscriptionFlow Integration

If you want to market your subscriptions in a better way, then team SubscriptionFlow can help you integrate the best subscription marketing tools with its subscription management software. You will get an integrated platform to manage subscriptions and as well as market your product or services in the best way.