Quote to Cash vs CPQ

Choosing Wisely: Quote to Cash vs. CPQ for Your Business

In the initial stages, many businesses handle proposals with legacy software such as Microsoft Word to draft & share documents, and Microsoft Excel for data management, analytics and proposal tracking. This is, however, not sustainable in the long run, particularly if you are a small business hoping to scale. When it comes to creating quotes, CPQ and QTC both offer significant advantages over traditional methods.

Both enable small businesses to be more consistent, accurate, and error-free in their sales operations, eliminating any errors or delays that might occur when using Word or Excel. Small firms can use CPQ and QTC to compete more successfully with larger organizations and increase sales.

While the terms CPQ and QTC are sometimes used interchangeably they are not synonymous. In this post, we examine Quote to Cash vs CPQ to understand their differences in order for you to implement them better. 

Quote to Cash vs CPQ Comparison

What is CPQ?

CPQ stands for configure, price, and quote. It refers to specialized software offering integrated services for configuration, pricing, and quoting support. CPQ systems streamline sales processes for customizable or complex products and services. 

With CPQ systems sales teams can more efficiently configure settings according to customer preferences and even accurately price them. This eliminates any manual errors to do with pricing or configuration while ensuring consistency and accuracy across quotes.

Additionally, by automating calculations CPQ decreases administrative overhead thereby improving sales efficiency and enhancing customer experience to deliver quick and precise quotes. It also has cross-selling and upselling features that can suggest complementary products based on customer preferences. 

Essentially, CPQ is a tool needed mostly by businesses that have to deal with intricate product configurations. This software tool helps businesses optimize their sales cycles and pricing strategies to provide customers a smoother purchase journey. 

CPQ Process Flow

The CPQ process is an interconnected one, involving multiple stages dependent on one another for accurate quote generation.

  1. Step one involves the configuration of products and services as per customer needs. Here the CPQ software takes the sales representative through questions designed to create a customizable solution. This decreases human error chances while creating a pleasant customer experience.  
  2. CPQ systems simplify the complex pricing aspect of the sales process by integrating pricing models and rules to maintain consistency across the board for this information. This ensures transparency and helps build trust with customers.
  3. After configuration and pricing are finalized, the CPQ software creates informative and aesthetically appealing quotes. These quotes can include information like pricing breakdowns, product information, terms and conditions, and other kinds of data that can help the company make informed decisions.

CPQ Benefits 

  • CPQ offers tools that automate time-intensive, manual tasks allowing for rapid quote generation and decreased sales cycle timelines. 
  • CPQ helps ensure customers receive accurate quotes by automating calculations and standardizing pricing rules.
  • CPQ systems maintain consistency across the board for quotes, providing a uniform brand image that meets customer expectations.
  • This software can increase upselling and cross-selling opportunities by recommending relevant upgrades.
  • CPQ collects information for data-driven insights on customer preferences, pricing trends, and popular configurations.

What is QTC?

QTC stands for Quote to Cash and is a comprehensive business process encompassing all that occurs once a customer decides to purchase your product till the time the payment receipt is generated.

Integrating functions like sales, pricing, contracts, and revenue recognition, QTC makes the workflow seamless, helping customers have a pleasant purchase experience. QTC comes into play when a sales quote is generated using pricing and product information made available through CPQ software. 

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Once the customer accepts the quote, it becomes an order and triggers actions like order processing, shipping, and inventory checks. This QTC process concludes when the product is delivered and the customer pays. Essentially, QTC software assists your business from start to finish through the entire sales process. 

This software is particularly useful for businesses focusing on customer satisfaction and improving sales accuracy and efficiency. It helps small businesses flourish, mitigating pricing and order processing errors by automating inventory management and ensuring the company’s revenue recognition complies with standard accounting rules. Quote to Cash basically helps companies streamline their operations and make data-driven decisions that in the long run improve the business’s bottom line while providing a smooth customer experience. 

QTC Process Flow

Quote to Cash is an end-to-end process comprising several steps and  representing the entire sales journey from quote generation to receipt of payment.

  1. QTC helps manage different legal terms and agreements associated with a product or service sale, aligning customer expectations with the delivered product or service.
  2. QTC processes the quote once the customer accepts it. It plays a key role in product management, allocating resources, checking inventory, and collaborating with different departments to ensure a smooth delivery experience for customers. 
  3. QTC handles billing solutions such as: one-time payments, recurring billing, and dynamic pricing. By ensuring accurate billing, QTC maintains customer trust for payment collection.
  4. This process also integrates with payment gateways and other financial systems to ensure timely and secure transactions for customers.
  5. QTC is important for revenue recognition, especially for subscription-based businesses that need to adhere to accounting standards for more accurate financial reporting.

QTC Benefits

  • QTC covers sales from start to finish, providing a holistic view of the entire process which helps companies streamline operations and identify any bottlenecks. 
  • Quote to Cash software comes with compliance and risk management features to ensure regulatory standards are met, thereby decreasing the risk of legal disputes. 
  • QTC allows for a smooth customer experience as clients receive timely deliveries and accurate price quotes. 
  • QTC software offers data-driven insights regarding revenue streams, allowing business to predict and create informed pricing strategies for the future. 


Differentiating between Quote to Cash vs CPQ can be difficult since they are related processes. While CPQ focuses more on the configuration, pricing, and quoting part of sales, QTC represents the entire sale cycle, from initial quote generation to final payment receipt. Both of them are important for businesses that need to improve their sales’ efficiency, accuracy, and customer satisfaction. Integrating CPQ and QTC solutions can therefore optimize operations to deliver exceptional customer experience.


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