How Account Updater Is Helping SaaS Businesses Worldwide
In today’s modern era, people are on the go more than ever. They pay for services as they go. Certain unforeseen circumstances like, card expiration, and new card details can cause unwanted stress […]
The Attain & Retain Strategy for You—Membership Engagement to Boost Retention
Customer satisfaction and the best customer experience is the key to the success of any business. The same goes for gyms and fitness clubs’ membership management. If members are satisfied, they […]
Diminish Churn Rate In The Telecom Industry
In 2023, the global telecom industry is expected to reach $4.2 trillion in revenue (up from $3.6 trillion in 2020), with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 2.5%. The Asia-Pacific region will […]
What Should Be Your Win Back Strategy to Make Your Retention Magnet Stronger
Your marketing team spends time attracting potential leads. In the next stage, sales executives to sales representatives are involved to convert these customers. Then a team of experts play the role […]
The Keys to Predicting, Preventing, & Destroying Churn
Churn. It’s the bane of every subscription business’s existence. And it’s not hard to see why. Not only does churn represent a loss of revenue, but it also represents a loss of […]
Minimize Lost Revenue & Increase Customer Retention In SaaS
The SaaS subscription market is large and growing continuously, it’s more important than ever for SaaS companies to focus on customer retention. Involuntary churn can have a significant impact […]
Churn Rate Vs Retention Rate: Your Ultimate Guide
In SaaS, churn rate and retention rate are often used interchangeably. While they deal with customers leaving your product, there is an essential distinction between them. The churn rate is the […]
Customer Churn Vs. Revenue Churn
The high cost of customer churn is a significant concern for businesses. It’s been estimated that the average company loses around 20% of its customers yearly. And while some degree of customer […]
Top Business Lessons for SaaS OTT and Streaming Platforms to Learn from Rising Netflix Churn Rate
Oh, did you say Netflix has been seeing a higher churn rate? Sounds unbelievable, but yes, you heard right! In recent times, Netflix faced severe criticism that led to a high churn rate. There were […]
How to Redo Your Strategy to Hook & Book Your Customers in the Insurance Industry
All insurance companies have certain specific growth goals, however, the strings of these goals are connected with the insurance customers. It is for sure that more are the customers, more will be […]
Lessons to Learn from Churned Customers for Improved Customer Retention
If success teaches you one thing, then failure makes you learn 10 things. In the subscription business market, losing a recurring customer is no less than a failure, yet it is an experience. And in […]
Top 5 Factors That Leads to Higher Customer Churn Rate
One of the nightmares that SaaS and recurring businesses do not want to see is the increasing customer churn rate. But what if this becomes a reality? You have to stop it before it turns into a […]