Subscription Billing Models
3 Key Tips That Could Help You Utilize Consumption Based Pricing to its Fullest
Did you know that conventional billing models had certain limitations in the past? Subscription based and fixed pricing were two payment methods that had benefits but also major drawbacks such as: […]
Subscription Model vs. Transaction Model: A Comparison
No matter what remains the strategy, policy and business model, the end target for every company is the increase in revenue. Businesses constantly struggle to find the best revenue model in the […]
Hybrid Billing: The Future of Magazine Subscription Payments
In an era marked by declining subscription revenues for magazines, the adoption of hybrid billing models offers a glimmer of hope. By combining traditional and digital payment methods, these models […]
Optimize your Freemium Subscriptions Conversion Rate and Business Health with SubscriptionFlow
Overview Freemium is one of the most renowned business models in the SaaS and B2B marketplace. As the name suggests, Freemium is a combination of the free business model and the Premium business […]
Implement Pay-Per-Use Billing Model for SaaS Companies to Maximize Revenue
For every business in the subscription business market, it is tiring enough to acquire new customers. However, you can minimize the entry barriers and the entry cost for your new customers by opting […]