Streamline Customer Billing with SubscriptionFlow Subscriber Wallet

With SubscriptionFlow’s subscriber wallet feature, efficiently manage your customers’ billing processes. Keep an accurate track of subscriber balance and total transactions.


Gain Insights into Your Cash Flow

Enable the subscriber wallet option for each customer in SubscriptionFlow to:

Upgrade Customer Experience

Customer balance management via our subscriber wallet lets you:

Recover Revenue with Intelligent Dunning Management
Dunning Analytics and Reporting

Simplify Transaction Management

A subscriber wallet ensures that:

Enable Customer Convenience with Subscriber Wallet

SubscriptionFlow equips you with the subscriber wallet to allow for easy management of your customers’ flexible balance usage.

Customize Credit Allocation

The subscriber wallet feature with SubscriptionFlow empowers you to allocate customized credits across various services. Because your business can easily manage those credits per customer via subscriber wallet. The wallet updates you regarding the credits which are used, and the credits which remain unused. You get to know exactly what services you need to provide your customer with, enhancing service delivery.

Increase Customer Engagement

With the subscriber wallet option, your customers are also empowered to use their credits strategically. Let the consumers gain clarity into which services they are using, and how much they are paying for each. This transparency leads to customer satisfaction, fostering their trust in your business. In case of unused credits, the customers are encouraged to connect with your services more often, improving engagement. Give your customers the option to become subscribers or one-time users, and seamlessly manage payments and usage in both cases, through the subscriber wallet.
